
Full scale ready to use platform

What is Fellownd Managed Platform

Fellowmind Managed Platform is a collection of Fellowmind developed services, that provides a mature and full scale ready to use platform for all industries. It can be tailored for specific scenarios such as, but not limited to, innovation with cloud native workloads, SaaS solutions, and workload migrations.

All the services are coded as modules, aligned with Microsoft best practice and enables effective construction and operationalization of platforms and landing zones at scale.

Based on Microsoft best practice and Enterprise scale architecture

Fast and secure to get started, easy to utilize and prepared for offboarding

    Fully automated SaaS maintained and automated by Fellowmind, deployed and utilized in the customers tenant, as an Enterprise ready alternative to open-source/DIY.

    Mature DevOps process, with CI/CD approval-flow, test-driven code and roll-back feature - maintained and managed by Fellowmind Platform Team.

    Supports business needs for IT cloud services, with easy onboarding of landing zones through blueprints.

    Easy offboarding with code handover, training and organizational alignment.

    Integrated documentation and service catalog with standard requests.

The solution for your cloud environment

Enables cloud use with integrated governance, compliance and security

Adopting a multi-subscription architecture is key for robust identity and access management (IAM), governance, security, network, and logging practices. This approach enables granular control over resources, centralizes IAM solutions, and employs role-based access control (RBAC) principles to manage user identities efficiently.

Aligning governance frameworks with industry standards and regulatory mandates ensures compliance and enhances overall security posture. Teams operate within designated landing zones, fostering operational excellence and autonomy while upholding stringent security protocols based on best practices and real-world experiences.

The What
An industry agnostic packaged Azure platform solution perfected from the Microsoft Enterprise Scale framework, as well as 50+ customer implementations projects.
The Why
Get an Azure platform solution and framework baseline made 100% with code. Ready to-use and automated landing zones, ready to be tailored and expanded based on your specific needs in your cloud journey.
The How
Built from the ground up and running at multiple customers - robust, clever and mature code. Implemented, maintained and automated through IaC in a hierarchical code structure.

Fellowmind Managed Platform covers

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Platform monitoring and alerting
Fellowmind monitors all services within the platform and handles alerts. Monitoring baseline is documented in the documentation service.
Fellowmind establishes the tooling needed to support Azure governance, compliance auditing and automated guardrails, as well as provisioning landing zones.
Virtual machine services
Built from the ground up and running at multiple customers - robust, clever and mature code. Implemented, maintained and automated through IaC in a hierarchical code structure.
Continuous platform updates
Fellowmind updates the platform on a continuous basis with new features, updates, emergency patches all applied ad-hoc. Detailed feature list of infrastructure can be found in the documentation service.
High priority incidents
Fellowmind does resolution of high-priority incidents during office hours, 08:30-16:30 CET/CEST.
Compliance reporting
Fellowmind will send monthly compliance reports on set policies.
Budget reporting
Fellowmind will send monthly budget reports on set budgets.
Microsoft Defender for Cloud
Fellowmind handles automatic enrollment, monitoring and forwarding of events on all plans.

Contact us

Technical support

+1 234-567-89

Sales questions

+1 234-567-89


+1 234-567-89

Bug report

+1 234-567-89